The Duties of a Mason
Little is Required. Much is Expected.
According to Paragraph 52-3 of The Code, the duties of a Freemason and Member of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina A.F. & A.M are as follows:
1. To obey the moral law.
2. To obey the laws and edicts of the Grand Lodge.
3. To be neither an atheist or skeptic.
4. To be a good man and true.
5. To live in peace and to practice charity.
6. To be a member of a regular Lodge.
7. To perform faithfully the duties as such member, or as an officer.
8. To pay his dues thereto promptly.
9. To obey the civil law.
10. To notify the secretary of his lodge immediately of any change in his mailing address.
11. To pay due respect and obedience to the various Grand Lodge officers and lodge officers according to their respective rank and station.
12. To obey the by-laws of his lodge, and to attend its communications.
13. To observe those lessons and duties inculcated in the several lectures and charges of the three Symbolic degrees of Freemasonry.
14. To keep and perform the several obligations of those degrees.