Records and Historical Documents
Phoenix Lodge is in possession of the following records and historical documents pertaining to Cape-Fear Union and Phoenix Lodges:
Crawford, Dugald. A Sermon Preached Before the Cape-Fear Union Lodge of the Ancient and Honourable Order of Free and Accepted Masons, and A Number of Visiting Brethren, Assembled at Fayetteville on December 27, 1786, Being the Day of St. John the Evangelist. By the Reverend Dugald Crawford, Formerly one of the Chaplains to the Scotch Brigade in the Dutch Service, now Minister at Fayetteville. Fayetteville, NC: Hodge & Blanchard, 1787.
Meroney, William B. A Discourse Delivered to the Phoenix Lodge, No. 8, Fayetteville North-Carolina, December 27th, 1802. Raleigh, North Carolina: Joseph Cales, 1803.