Key Events in the History of Phoenix Lodge No. 8

As Early as the 1730s


Masonic historians have speculated that Masonic Lodges of unknown origin may have operated in the upper Cape Fear region as early as the 1730s, though no evidence exists to support these assertions.



The first Grand Lodge of North Carolina is formed.  It later falls dormant and is dissolved. 

24 June 1787


Union Lodge No. __ is one of nine Lodges that call for the formation of a new, independent Grand Lodge in North Carolina.

9 December 1787

The Second Grand Lodge of North Carolina is formed in Tarboro.

(Prior to 1788) 


An early Masonic Temple is constructed on Green Street in Fayetteville.

3 November 1788


The North Carolina General Assembly meets in Fayetteville. Many of the delegates are Freemasons from Lodges across the State. 

17 November 1788


The Second Session of the Grand Lodge of Ancient York Masons in North Carolina is held in Fayetteville, NC.  Union Lodge No. __ turns in its charter, warrant, or dispensation, and applies for a dispensation from the Grand Lodge of Ancient York Masons of North Carolina.  The Brethren of Union Lodge No. __ also appeal to that grand body that the name Union Lodge be changed to Phoenix Lodge.  Their request was to change the Lodge's name was granted and Phoenix Lodge now dates its existence to 17 November 1788.  Phoenix Lodge operated under dispensation (UD) from the Grand Lodge of Ancient York Masons of North Carolina until it received its first charter from that grand body in 1793.

25 June 1791


All Lodges under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina Ancient York Masons are re-numbered according to such provenance as each Lodge can provide.  Phoenix Lodge receives No. 8.


Reference:  Stillson, Henry Leonard and William James Hughan, Editors.  History of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons and Concordant Orders.  Boston:  The Fraternity Publishing Company, 1906, page 301.

25 June 1793


The cornerstone of Phoenix Masonic Temple in its current location in St. John's Square is laid on this date.

23 July 1793


The parcels of land that would become known as St. John's Square are deeded to Phoenix (Phenix) Lodge No. 8 by Brother James Hogg, an ardent Freemason and prominent realtor in Fayetteville.



Phoenix Lodge No. 8 is chartered by the Grand Lodge of North Carolina Ancient York Masons.

December 1796


Phoenix Lodge No. 8 is chartered by the Grand Lodge of North Carolina Free and Accepted Masons. 



Phoenix Lodge No. 8 applies to the North Carolina State General Assembly for a charter to operate as a corporation in the City of Fayetteville.



Phoenix Lodge No. 8 receives a charter from the North Carolina State General Assembly incorporating the Lodge in the City of Fayetteville.



An additional parcel of land adjoining St. John's Square is deeded to Phoenix Lodge by Brother Patrick McArthur.

15 October 1801


Phoenix Lodge No. 8 receives a new charter from the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina. This is Phoenix Lodge's current charter.

5 March 1825 


The Marquis de Lafayette visits Phoenix Masonic Temple during his visit to Fayetteville and presides over a meeting of Phoenix Lodge No. 8 held in his honor.

18 June 1825 


The elaborate Masonic gas chandelier that now resides in Phoenix Lodge No. 8's dining room is purchased at auction.

24 June 1858 


The newly-rebuilt Phoenix Masonic Temple is dedicated.

6 July 1950 


The expanded and renovated Phoenix Masonic Temple is dedicated.