The Petitioning Process

The first step is to fill out a petition for membership or affiliation.  You will need two Master Masons to recommend you if you are petitioning for membership.  Once we receive your petition and application fees, we will announce your intent to join at our next Stated Communication (business meeting). 


Your application will then be assigned to a Committee of Investigation, which will consist of two or three members of our Lodge who will contact you and ask to set up a time to come to your house in order to meet with you and your family.  This process gives you and your family a chance to ask any questions you may have about the Fraternity and the membership process.  This is a very valuable opportunity, and is often appreciated by spouses. 


At the same time, your petition will be sent to our State headquarters in Raleigh in order for them to conduct a criminal background check. 


At our next business meeting, your petition will be read again, and the results of your meeting with the Committee of Investigation and your background check will be announced.  The members will then vote on your petition.  A unanimous vote is required for membership.  You will be notified of the results of that vote as soon as possible, normally the next business day.  If your vote was successful, you will be given instructions on when to come down to the Lodge to begin your Masonic journey.


The entire application process normally takes about two months, but it is a careful process that ensures that you have time to learn about the Lodge and we have time to get to know you a little.  If you have any questions about this process, please let us know.